How long can the industrial vacuum cleaner filter element last? Can it be washed?

How long can the filter element of the vacuum cleaner be used? Can it be washed with water? How often can it be replaced? Today I will talk to you about this, I hope you can use the vacuum cleaner better.

How long can the industrial vacuum cleaner filter element last? Can it be washed?

How long can the vacuum cleaner filter element last?

Generally, the normal service life is about one year, depending on the duration and frequency of daily use. Different situations vary.

Can the vacuum cleaner filter element be washed with water?

This depends on the material, the Claisen brand vacuum cleaner filter elements are reusable after washing. But be careful not to wash it with a washing machine, just rub it gently with your hands.

At the same time, the filter element of the vacuum cleaner cannot be washed frequently with water. It is best to wash it with water every four months. After washing, wait for the filter element of the vacuum cleaner to dry before using it. It is best to use a brush to remove dust before washing. If the filter element of the vacuum cleaner is still wet, it must not be used, otherwise, it will easily cause damage to the motor.

Precautions for cleaning the filter of the vacuum cleaner:

1. Do not use methods such as rubbing or kneading when cleaning the filter;

2. Do not use a washing machine to clean the filter;

3. The vacuum cleaner filter can only be dried naturally, and cannot be ironed or blown or baked by other methods;

4. Make sure that the filter is dry and put it back in place before starting the vacuum cleaner, otherwise, it will cause motor failure.

How often should the vacuum cleaner filter element be replaced?

Whether or not to replace the filter depends on the degree of pollution of the filter. If the pollution reaches a certain level, it must be replaced. Normally, it is replaced every 3 months. If the pollution is not so serious, replace it every six months. If the filter is damaged, it needs to be replaced in time. You only need to buy the same model of filter, but the filter is mainly for daily cleaning. Many vacuum cleaner filters only need to be washed. , It can be used again after natural drying.

How to replace and clean up the vacuum cleaner filter:

1. Make sure that the vacuum cleaner is in a state of electromechanical separation;

2. Open the dust collection bin and pull out the filter;

3. Replace with a new filter or rinse the filter with clean water;

4. Place the cleaned filter in a cool, ventilated place to air dry;

5. Install the filter back to its original position.

The above is a detailed introduction on how long the vacuum cleaner filter element can be used? Can it be washed with water? How often?

Publication Date: 17 August, 2020


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